Bronze Corporate Founder

A company receives the distinction of “BRONZE FOUNDER” Member within the Global Village Cooperative Association (GV) by making a tax-deductible “Angel Grant/Donation in the sum of $10,000 to $24,999 to become a “Bronze Founder”.

BRONZE FOUNDER qualifies to receive the following benefits as a result of this Grant/Donation:

  • Potential patronage rewards/commissions of over $100,000 per year through GV’s “Friendship Building” program (please see “Friendship Building” program on Website for more details)
  • People joining GV as a result of its national public relations and advertising campaign will automatically be placed in the “Friendship Building” program directly under above named Founder in equal rotation with other Founders. Note: This placement is based on the amount of the donation and the date your Founder application is approved by GV.
  • Honorary status at all GV events

Founder Application
