GV offers Friendship Building, Direct Sales, and Entrepreneurship programs that give Members the option of owning their own home-based business by becoming a GV Ambassador (Independent Consultant). All these programs are run completely independent of GV by its Management Company, New Day Group, LLC. Note: GV Members are not required to become a GV Ambassador or participate in the Friendship Building program.
Members who choose to become a GV Ambassador and market the products/services offered by GV through this “Friendship Building” program can earn residual income when GV Members they sponsor as Ambassador’s make purchases with GV Merchant-Members. The “Friendship Building” program is a multi-level system that pays out 10% on each of its 7 levels. Residual income is paid from a percentage of the cash rewards paid by each GV Merchant-Member. All residual income/commissions are managed and are paid via electronic transfers (ACH) into the designated bank account of the Ambassador participating in the “Friendship Building” program.